
San Ramon Valley Republican Women Federated

Bylaws revised August 2022


The name of this Club shall be San Ramon Valley Republican Women Federated hereinafter referred to as “Club”.  


The Objectives shall be to: 

  • Increase the effectiveness of women in the cause of good government;

  • Promote an informed public through education and activity;

  • Foster loyalty to the Republican Party at all levels of government;

  • Promote and support the objectives, the principles and policies of the Republican Party;

  • Work for Republican candidates in all elections, including nonpartisan elections;

  • Support the objectives and policies of the California Republican Party; 

  • Influence legislation and maintain a CFRW presence in State government in accordance with CFRW goals;

  • Encourage active citizenship;

  • Facilitate cooperation among Federated Republican Women’s Local Clubs;


The San Ramon Valley Republican Women Federated is affiliated with the National Federation of Republican Women and the California Federation of Republican Women.  


A.  ELIGIBILITY: Membership shall be open to registered Republican Women.


Section 1.  Primary Member (Member in Good Standing)

A member in good standing is one whose current dues are paid to one local club in good standing.  A local club in good standing is one whose current per capita dues and service charge are paid to the NFRW.  (refer to CFRW Bylaws ARTICLE IV – MEMBERSHIP B. Types of Membership Section 1. Member in Good Standing)

A member shall:

  1. Have the right to vote, make motions and nominations after being a primary member of a local club for sixty (60) days. (refer to CFRW Bylaws ARTICLE IV – MEMBERSHIP B. Types of Membership Section 1. Member in Good Standing)

  2. Be counted in Per Capita Reports and in establishing delegate representation for her local club.

  3. Be counted as a primary voting member in only one club for the purpose of delegate representation at NFRW and CFRW conventions.

Section 2.  Associate Membership 

  1. The Club may only grant associate membership to women who are primary members of another Federated club.  Such membership shall not be granted the privilege of making motions, nominations, voting or holding office. (refer to CFRW Bylaws ARTICLE IV – MEMBERSHIP, B. Section 2 a. Associate Membership)

  2. Associate members shall not be eligible to serve as delegates to NFRW or CFRW meetings or conventions or be counted in establishing a quorum. (refer to CFRW Bylaws ARTICLE IV – MEMBERSHIP, B. Section 2 a. Associate Membership)

  3. Republican men may be eligible for Associate membership in a club upon payment of the required annual dues for Associate members.  Such members may attend meetings, but shall not make motions, have a voice or vote, be on a committee, hold office, or be counted for the purpose of determining the number of delegates to national or state conventions, nor be used to establishing a quorum. They shall be entitled to membership in local clubs only, and they do not become members of NFRW or CFRW. (refer to CFRW Bylaws ARTICLE IV – MEMBERSHIP, B. Section 2 b. Associate Membership) 

Section 3.  Other Memberships

  1. Golden Poppy sustaining membership shall be granted only to primary members in good standing and must be included in Per Capita Reports.  Golden Poppy sustaining members will be recognized for their contribution to the financial well being of the Club.  (refer to CFRW Bylaws ARTICLE IV – MEMBERSHIP, B. Section 3 Associate Membership)


Section 1.  Endorsement Policy (refer to CFRW Policy section for additional information)

  1. The Club President and Campaign Activities Chair shall not publicly endorse any candidate for public office in any primary, runoff, special or non-partisan race where two or more known Republicans are in the race.  If any of the aforementioned desire to do so, she must resign her position.  An officer of the organization who is a candidate or whose spouse or family members is a candidate shall be exempt from this rule; however, they may not do so in the name of the organization or by utilizing the logo or stationery of the NFRW, CFRW, or the local club.  (revision required by NFRW 2020.01.01)

  2. The local club name shall not be used by a primary member or an associate member in supporting a candidate during any campaign when there are two or more known Republicans in the same race.  No endorsement or evidence of support by any members shall be issued using the NFRW affiliation, logo, or stationery without the approval of NFRW.   (revision required by NFRW 2020.01.01)

  3. NFRW Bylaws provide for removal of membership of any member, state federation, or local club that advocates a split party ticket or supports a candidate who is running on an opposition ticket.  (revision required by NFRW 2020.01.01)

  4. This prohibition applies to the Club President and Campaign Activities Chair – and the club as an entity.  The rest of the membership is free to endorse the Republican candidate of her choice, just not in the name of the club.  (revision required by NFRW 2020.01.01)

  5. Examples of endorsements or public displays of support include block walking, phone banking, handing out push cards, sending emails, signs in yards, donating funds, attending fundraisers, and social media posts.  (revision required by NFRW 2020.01.01)

  6. In the case of contested Republican races, clubs may distribute information on all the candidates – such as events or fundraisers – if they are fair and distribute equally for all. The use of a disclaimer (i.e., "This is being emailed for informational purposes only and does not represent an endorsement by this club.") can help prevent anyone from interpreting such communications as endorsements. (revision required by NFRW 2020.01.01)

  7. This policy only applies when there are two or more known Republicans in the same race.  For any other race there is no endorsement prohibition.  (revision required by NFRW 2020.01.01)

  8. In non‐partisan races; clubs and members will utilize whatever voter data is available in the county/state to verify registration, voter records, etc., to ascertain the party with which a candidate normally identifies. (revision required by NFRW 2020.01.01)

  9. Candidate endorsement limitations shall not preclude any member from serving or fulfilling their duties as delegates to the National Republican Convention, the California Republican Party, or County Central Committee. Their State or Club title and State or Club name may not be used with any endorsement. (revision required by NFRW 2020.01.01)

Section 2.  Any person, not registered to vote in the Republican Party, shall neither be invited to speak nor be permitted to speak at any meeting of the CFRW, a Regional Meeting, or a local club meeting. People not yet eligible to vote may speak if the topic has been approved by the CFRW or local club's Executive Committee.

Section 3. It shall be considered a breach of ethics for a member to speak disparagingly in public of any Republican or candidate. 

Section 4.  It shall be a breach of ethics to publicly promote a candidate of another party in speech, in print or electronic communication in a partisan or non-partisan election and may be just cause for a member's suspension or dismissal. 

Section 5.  The local club name shall not be used by a member or an associate member when using any personal and/or electronic communications.

Section 6.  Other Organizations:  The Club shall not affiliate with any political organization which is not officially recognized as working in concert with the National Federation of Republican Women or the California Federation of Republican Women and The Republican National Committee. 

Section 7.  Membership Data:  All member information is the sole property of the NFRW and is strictly for the benefit of the NFRW and shall not be sold or furnished for any other purpose.  



Section 1.  Fiscal Year:  The fiscal year shall be from January 1 through December 31. (Refer to CFRW Bylaws ARTICLE IV – MEMBERSHIP C Local Club Charter Section 2. Local Club Directives a.)

Section 2.  Dues

  1. Per capita dues shall be payable on January 1 of each year and shall be remitted at the close of each month to the CFRW Treasurer along with a copy of the monthly Per Capita Report. (Refer to CFRW Bylaws ARTICLE VI Section 2.)  

  2. Dues received after October 31 shall be remitted to CFRW the following January. (Refer to CFRW Bylaws ARTICLE VI Section 2.) 

  3. The dues amount for membership will be stated in the Club’s Standing Rules and amended as required. 

  4. The dues amount for Associate members shall be stated in the Club's Standing Rules and amended as required.

Section 3.  NFRW Service Charge  

  1. The annual NFRW Service Charge shall be paid as established by the CFRW Board of Directors in the CFRW Standing Rules.  

Section 4. Per Capita Reports

  1. Per Capita Reports for primary members whose dues are paid shall be sent directly to the CFRW Membership Secretary and Data Center at the close of each month. (Refer to CFRW Bylaw ARTICLE VI Section 2 and 3.) 


Section 1.  Elected Officers 

  1. The term of office for local Club Officers shall be from January 1 through December 31 following their election. (Refer to CFRW Bylaws ARTICLE IV – MEMBERSHIP C. Local Club Charter, Section 2. Local Club Directives a.)

  2. The elected officers of this Club shall be a President, a First Vice President, a Second Vice President, a Third Vice President, a Recording Secretary, a Communications Secretary, and a Treasurer. The Elected Officers and Appointed Officers comprise the Executive Committee.

  3. Elected officers must be residents of California and registered to vote in California. (Refer to CFRW Bylaws ARTICLE IV – MEMBERSHIP C Local Club Charter Section 2. Local Club Directives b.)

  4. Each elected officer shall be a primary member in good standing of the Club.

Section 2.  Term of Office

  1. The term of office for elected officers shall be for one term of 1 year or until their successors are elected. (Refer to CFRW Bylaws ARTICLE IV – MEMBERSHIP C. Local Club Charter, Section 2 Local Club Directives a.) 

  2. The President and elected officers may serve no more than two consecutive terms.  The Executive Committee must approve any exception to this provision.

Section 3.  Appointed Officers are appointed by the President and must be ratified by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Elected Officers.  Appointed Officers shall include the following:  a Parliamentarian, a Financial Review Officer.  The Elected Officers, the Appointed Officers, the Immediate Past President and the Committee Chairs appointed by the President are all members of the Board of Directors.

Section 4.  Vacancy 

  1. A vacancy in the office of President shall be filled by the First Vice President. All other vacancies in elected office shall be filled by election by the Board of Directors at the first meeting following the creation of the vacancy.  

Section 5.  Removal from Office or Membership:  Members of the Executive Committee, Board of Directors or members of the Club may be removed by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the membership for any of the following reasons after investigation by the Executive Committee:

  1. Failure to pay local club and CFRW dues;

  2. Failure to support the Republican ticket;

  3. Supporting an opposition candidate; or 

  4. Working against the goals of CFRW and NFRW.

  5. Speaking disparagingly in public of any elected Republican or Republican candidate.

Section 6.  Election: The officers shall be elected at the Annual Meeting and shall serve a term of one year, or until their successors are elected. 

Section 7.  Duties of The Officers

  1. The President shall:  

    1. Preside at all meetings of the Club, the Executive Committee and Board of Directors.  

    2. Appoint all appointed officers subject to a two-thirds (2/3) approval of the Elected Officers. 

    3. Appoint, with the exception of the Nominating Committee, all chairmen of Standing Committees subject to two-thirds (2/3) approval of the Elected Officers.

    4. Serve as ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee and the Financial Review Committee. 

    5. Have general supervision of the work of the organization.

    6. Sign all contracts as authorized by the Executive Committee.

    7. Work with the 1st Vice president on selection of speakers for all Club meetings.

    8. Represent the organization at all times or designate someone as representative/proxy in her absence.

    9. Prepare a program of action in consultation with the Chairmen of the Standing Committees for presentation and approval by the Executive Committee.

    10. Submit an annual budget for approval by the membership.

    11. Be one of three authorized signatures on the Clubs’ bank accounts. 

    12. Accept resignation by written letter or e-mail of any member wanting to resign from a position, chairmanship, or the Club.

  2. The First Vice President - Programs shall:

    1. Perform the duties of the President in her absence;

    2. Fill the unexpired term in the event of a vacancy in the office of President;

    3. Perform such other duties as are assigned by the President, the Executive Committee, Board of Directors, or the membership; 

    4. Arrange for all Club Programs and secure Speakers

  3. The Second Vice President - Membership shall:

    1. Perform the duties of the President in the absence of both the President and the First Vice President;

    2. Perform other duties as assigned by the President, the Executive Committee, Board of Directors, or the membership; and

    3. Act as Membership Chair.

    4. Coordinate all membership renewal and new member efforts.

    5. Compile and maintain complete membership lists.

    6. Ensure that all membership information is shared with the Treasurer and others as deemed necessary and is submitted to the state and national federations according to deadlines.

    7. Maintain a current Directory of members of the Club.

  4. The Third Vice President - Fundraising shall:

    1. Perform the duties of the President in the absence of the President, 1st Vice President, and the 2nd Vice President.

    2. Be in charge of all Fundraising to maintain the Club's operations.

  5. The Recording Secretary shall:

    1. Keep the minutes of all meetings of the Club, Executive Committee and Board of Directors;

    2. Be one of three authorized signatures on all Club’s bank accounts;

    3. Keep a current inventory of Club property;

    4. Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the President, the Executive Committee, Board of Directors, or the membership; and

    5. Maintain all Club records and historical items.  

  6. The Treasurer shall:

    1. Serve as custodian of all Club funds and deposit them in a bank(s) approved by the Executive Committee;

    2. Be one of three authorized signatures on all Club’s bank accounts;

    3. Disburse funds as directed by the Executive Committee, Board of Directors, or the membership;

    4. Generate monthly statements of receipts, disbursements, and monthly reconciliation reports of all bank accounts.

    5. Bring written financial report(s) to regular Club, Executive Committee and Board of Directors meetings;

    6. Submit dues, annual service fees, and reports to the California Federation of Republican Women as required;

    7. Be ex-officio member of the Budget Committee and serve as Chairman;

    8. Submit the financial records to the Financial Review committee for an annual review to be completed by the first meeting of the fiscal year;

    9. Perform other duties as assigned by the President, the Executive Committee, Board of Directors, or the membership; and

    10. Comply with all state and federal elections and financial reporting requirements.

  7. The Communications Secretary shall:

    1. Conduct Club correspondence under the supervision of the President;

    2. Preserve in a permanent file all letters and papers of value to the Club; and

    3. Coordinate all communications to Club members, including transmitting Elephant Ears, electronic messages, Email, and other notices. 

  8. The Parliamentarian shall:

    1. Serve as advisor on the Executive Committee, Board of Directors and all Club meetings on matters of parliamentary procedure.

    2. Serve in an advisory capacity to the President.

    3. Serve as Chairman of the Bylaws Committee.

    4. Call the first meeting of the Nominating Committee.   

    5. Be familiar with the Bylaws and Standing Rules of the Club.

  9. The Financial Review Officer shall:

    1. Serve as Chairman of the Financial Review Committee and, with the approval of the President, appoint a committee of two additional members in good standing to assist in reviewing the Treasurer’s accounts.  

    2. Review the books of the Treasurer every six (6) months. 

    3. Submit a written annual Financial Review report for the preceding fiscal year by the first meeting of the new fiscal year or as requested by the Executive Committee, Board of Directors or membership.

    4. Prepare a supplemental report of the financial transactions between the final meeting of the year and the transfer of books to a new Treasurer.

    5. Perform other duties as may be assigned by the President, Executive Committee, Board of Directors, or the membership.

  10. The Immediate Past President shall:

    1. Serve on the Board

    2. Conduct an annual training for new officers and chairmen

    3. Maintain manuals for officers and committee chairmen

Section 8.  Records:  All officers and all committee chairmen shall deliver all records, files, and properties of the Club to their successors upon retiring from office, unless otherwise directed by the President, Executive Committee or Board of Directors.



  1. The Club shall hold a minimum of eight (8) meetings a year, conditions permitting, at a day, time and place to be determined by the Board.

  2. In addition the Club shall maintain good standing by the payment of the NFRW service charge and submission of per capita reports and dues payments to CFRW.  (Refer to CFRW Bylaws ARTICLE IV – MEMBERSIP, C. Local Club Charter, Section 2 c.)

  3. Electronic meetings:  In the event a properly called meeting has to be canceled due to circumstances beyond the control of the Club, then it shall be acceptable to hold said meeting by an approved electronic means with seven (7) days’ notice being given to all the members of the Club. (required by NFRW 2020.05.29)

Section 2.  Notice: A minimum of fourteen (14) days’ notice shall be given to all members for a regular meeting.     

Section 3.  Quorum: A quorum at Club meetings shall be 20% of the membership. 

Section 4.  SPECIAL MEETINGS:   

  1. Special meeting of the Club may be called by the President or upon the written request of five (5) members of the Executive Committee or by seven (7) members of the Board of Directors if three (3) are elected members of the Executive Committee or by (pick one 10% or 20% or 30%) of the Club members in good standing.  The purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the notice which shall be sent to all Club members in good standing at least ten (10) days before the meeting.  No other business shall be transacted at the meeting.”  

  2. Special meetings of the Club may be held electronically with seven (7) days notice being given.  

Section 5.  The September General Meeting shall be named the Barbara Olson Memorial Meeting.  The Meeting shall honor Barbara Olson, who died tragically in the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States, by recalling and articulating the fine attributes which Barbara Olson exemplified, including safeguarding and perpetuating our American liberties.  

ANNUAL MEETING:  The October meeting will be designated as the Annual Meeting, at which time the Nominating Committee shall report a slate and Elections shall take place. The November meeting will be for Installation of Officers.

Section 6.  VOTING:  A vote of the Club, Executive Committee or Board of Directors may be conducted by mail, telephone, fax, electronically, or email between meetings, provided there is participation by a majority of the members of the body. The vote shall be ratified and entered into the minutes at the body’s next regular meeting.

Section 7.  NOTICE for all meetings shall be mailed or sent electronically.

Section 8.  PRINTED MATERIAL: All literature, petitions, materials, or announcement of any description shall first be submitted to the President or Executive Committee for approval before being circulated or distributed at any meeting.  


Section 1.  The Board of Directors shall:

  1. Consist of the elected officers, appointed officers, and standing committee chairmen and immediate past president.

Section 2.  The Standing Committees shall be:

  1. Budget, Bylaws, Campaign Activities,  Legislation,  

  2. Additional Standing Committees may include: Americanism, Caring for America, Chaplain, Club Achievement Awards, Publicity, Leadership Development, MELP/Literacy,Programs, Scholarship

  3. Standing committee chairmen shall be appointed by the President with 2/3 approvalof the Elected Officers

  4. Standing committee chairmen shall be appointed for the same term as the President. 

  5. Standing Committee Chairmen have a voice and a vote

  6. All Standing Committee Chairmen shall be members in good standing.

Section 3.  The Board of Directors shall transact such business as may arise between meetings of the Club.  

  1. The Board of Directors shall be limited to an unbudgeted expenditure of $500 without the approval of the membership.  

  2. The Board of Directors may conduct business by mail, electronic mail, electronic meetings, or telephone when necessary.

  3. Electronic meetings via teleconference or videoconference may be conducted upon forty-eight (48) hours telephonic or email notice to all members of the Board of Directors setting forth the procedures and time of any such electronic meeting. 

  4. The actions of the Board of Directors, taken as a result of any mail or electronic meeting, have the same force and effect as a physical meeting.

  5. Official minutes of such meetings shall be recorded and ratified at the next Board of Directors meeting.     

Section 4.  QUORUM :  One third (1/3) of the Board of Directors, if three (3) are elected officers, shall constitute a quorum of the Board of Directors.

Section 5.  SPECIAL MEETINGS of the Board of Directors may be called by the President or at the written request of at least five (5) members of the Executive Committee or by seven (7) members of the Board of Directors, if three (3) are elected members of the Executive Committee.  The purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the notice which shall be sent to all members of the Board of Directors at least ten (10) days before the meeting.  No other business shall be transacted at the meeting.  

Section 6.  Duties of the Standing Committees: 

  1.  Budget

    1. The Treasurer serves as Chairman of the Budget Committee of three (3) members, with the other two appointed by the Club President to;

    2. Prepare a budget to be presented to the Board of Directors for recommendation to the membership before the 1st meeting of the fiscal year.

  2.  Bylaws

    1. Committee of three, including the Parliamentarian as Chairman, shall be appointed by the Club President to;

    2. Conduct a biennial review of the Club Bylaws;

    3. Request and receive proposed amendments to the bylaws, submit them to the Executive Committee for action, or initiate changes requested by the Club;

    4. General membership shall have final vote of amendments; and

    5. Furnish CFRW Bylaws Chairman with a complete set of Club Bylaws for review and approval.  Any subsequent revision of Bylaws shall be sent to the CFRW Bylaws Chairman for approval.

  3. Campaign Activities

    1. Shall coordinate all activities of the Club’s campaign program and be responsible for the collection and reporting of campaign hours.

    2. Shall not publicly endorse any candidate for public office in any primary, runoff, special or non-partisan race where two or more known Republicans are in the race.  If any of the aforementioned desires to do so, she must resign her position. (required by NFRW 2020.01.01)

  4. Legislation

    1. Shall implement legislative concerns important to the Club; and

    2. Shall inform the Club and Executive Committee of any legislation affecting the interests of NFRW and CFRW. 

  5. Chaplain

    1. Shall begin each meeting with an Invocation.

  6. Americanism

    1. Shall lead members in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America;

    2. Shall provide a short American Moment before the Pledge of Allegiance.

  7. Caring for America

    1. Shall coordinate efforts to support local or national charities.

  8.  Achievement Award

    1. Shall be responsible for training members of the functions of a great Federated Club;

    2. Shall be responsible for keeping the Club President appraised of what needs to be done each year, and specific Action Items to be accomplished;

    3. Shall complete the Achievement Award form and submit to CFRW in the year it is due.

  9.  Publicity

    1. Shall be responsible for publicizing meetings and events.

  10.  Leadership Development

    1. Shall be responsible for supplying Board Members with appropriate job descriptions and training;

    2. Shall be responsible for acquainting Board Members of the Achievement Award and how it can be used as a tool for managing a great Club.

  11.  MELP/Literacy

    1. Shall be responsible for knowing the suggested NFRW MELP/Literacy programs and suggested books;

    2. Shall be responsible for securing books for donation to local libraries.

  12.  Programs 

    1. Shall be responsible for assisting the President and the VP of Programs on speaker suggestions and in securing speakers.

  13.  Scholarship

    1. Shall decide annual scholarship essay topic;

    2. Shall communicate to appropriate high schools all facts about our scholastic scholarship program;

    3. Shall solicit essays and resumes of graduating high school Republican women;

    4. Following established parameters, the committee will meet to rank applicants and award scholarship.


Section 1.  The Executive Committee shall be composed of the Elected and Appointed Officers.  

Section 2.  Meetings shall be held at the call of the President or at the written request by at least three (3) elected members of the Executive Committee.

Section 3.  The Executive Committee shall transact such business as may arise between meetings of the Board of Directors or Club meetings.  

  1. The Executive Committee shall be limited to an unbudgeted expenditure of $300 without the approval of the Board of Directors or membership.  

  2. The Executive Committee may conduct business by mail, electronic mail, electronic meetings, or telephone when necessary.

  3. Electronic meetings via teleconference or videoconference may be conducted upon forty-eight (48) hours telephonic or email notice to all members of the Executive Committee setting forth the procedures and time of any such electronic meeting. 

  4. The actions of the Executive Committee, taken as a result of any mail or electronic meeting, have the same force and effect as a physical meeting.

  5. Official minutes of such meetings shall be recorded and ratified at the next Executive Committee meeting.     

Section 4.  QUORUM:  A majority of the members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum.

Section 5.  COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  All committee members must be members in good standing in the Club. 

Section 6.  SPECIAL MEETINGS of the Executive Committee may be called by the President or at the written request of at least three (3) members of the Executive Committee.  The purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the notice which shall be sent to all members of the Executive Committee at least ten (10) days before the meeting.  No other business shall be transacted at the meeting.  


SPECIAL COMMITTEES may be appointed as needed by the President subject to two-thirds (2/3) approval of the Elected Officers.  They shall be non-voting members of the Board of Directors.



  1. The Nominating Committee shall consist of 3 members in good standing and 1 alternate member in good standing.

  2. Members of the Nominating Committee shall be elected by the membership no later than May of each year, and make monthly reports to the Board of Directors, until a final slate is compiled.  The final report of the Nominating Committee shall be due to the General Membership no later than October Board Meeting.

  3. No member of the Nominating Committee may serve more than one term on the committee in succession.    

  4. The Parliamentarian shall call a meeting of the newly elected committee members at the close of the meeting at which they were elected for the purpose of conducting the election of a Chairman and Vice Chairman.  

  5. The Parliamentarian will instruct the Nominating Committee as to proper procedure and will be available for further counsel if required.  The Parliamentarian shall not serve as a member of the Nominating Committee.  

  6. The Nominating Committee shall report a slate of one candidate for each office at the general meeting at least 30 days prior to the election meeting.

  7. All nominees shall be members in good standing in the Club and shall give written consent to serve, if elected.

  8. All nominees shall be primary members in good standing of the Club for no less than 90 days, prior to their election.

  9. Nominees for President shall have served as a member of the Executive Committee for one term.

  10. Nominations from the floor shall be in order following the report of the Nominating Committee and just before the election.


  1. Election of officers shall be by ballot at the Annual meeting in October.

  2. A plurality vote shall elect.

  3. If there is only one (1) candidate for an office, the ballot may be dispensed with by general consent and the election held by voice vote. 

  4. No candidate may simultaneously run for more than one office. 

  5. The Elected Officers and Appointed Officers shall assume their duties on January 1 following their election.

  6. Ballot(s) shall be destroyed at the close of the general meeting.




  1. The Club shall be represented at the NFRW convention as set forth in the National Federation of Republican Women’s Bylaws.

  2. The Club shall be represented at the CFRW convention as set forth in the California Federation of Republican Women’s Bylaws.

  3. Election of delegates and alternates shall take place at a general meeting before convention to conform to the NFRW and CFRW certification requirement. 


Robert’s Rules of Order newly Revised, shall govern the club in all instances where they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws, NFRW and CFRW bylaws and, CFRW standing rules, policies and procedures and any special rules of order.  


Section 1.  These Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the club's primary members in good standing in attendance at any general meeting provided that the amendment(s) have been approved by the Club’s Bylaws Committee and reviewed by the Club's Board of Directors; and provided that a copy of the proposed amendment(s) have been sent to each primary member in good standing at least thirty (30) days prior to the vote.

Section 2.  These Bylaws shall be automatically amended to conform to any Bylaw changes approved at the NFRW Biennial Convention and CFRW Biennial Convention and shall be immediately published to the Club membership. 


Section 1. This club may be dissolved by a 2/3 vote at any regular or special meeting of the club, provided that notice of the dissolution has been submitted in writing at least thirty (30) days prior and has been sent to all members of the club.  In the event of dissolution, The Executive Committee shall, after payment of all liabilities of the club, distribute any remaining assets to the CFRW.  No funds shall be distributed to any member or officer of the club.  The right to use the name of the dissolved club shall revert to the CFRW. (Required by NFRW) 

Section 2. A local Club, wishing to dissolve, shall send a letter to their Regional Director stating the reasons why the Club is failing to function. It becomes the responsibility of the Regional Director to provide assistance and direction. (Refer to CFRW Bylaws ARTICLE IV – MEMBERSHIP E. Dissolution of a Local Club Section 1.)

Section 3. If the matter cannot be resolved, the local Club shall send a notice to all its members of record that a meeting will be held on a specified date, at a specified time and place, and a dissolution resolution shall be prepared. (Refer to CFRW Bylaws ARTICLE IV – MEMBERSHIP E. Dissolution of a Local Club Section 2.) (For procedure, refer to Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised "Dissolution of a Society".)  

Section 4. At this special meeting, a motion shall be made to send the charter to the CFRW Charter Registry Chairman, and all monies in the Club treasury shall be sent to the CFRW Treasury to be held in trust by CFRW for a period of five (5) years. Should the Club desire to reactivate within those five years, the money shall be returned to the Club to be used for membership promotion. After the period of five years, the funds in trust will revert to CFRW's General Fund. (Refer to CFRW Bylaws ARTICLE IV – MEMBERSHIP E. Dissolution of a Local Club Section 3.)