San Ramon Valley Republican Women Federated Organization

Board of Directors

Elected Officers and their duties

President: General supervision of the work of the Club; Represent the Club at all times; Preside over all meetings.
1st VP - Programs: Arrange for all Club programs and secure speakers.
2nd VP - Membership: Coordinate all membership renewals and new member efforts; Maintain Membership Directory.
3rd VP - Fundraising: Facilitate all fundraising activities to maintain Club’s operations
Recording Secretary: Keep the minutes of all meetings of the Club; Keep an inventory of Club property.
Treasurer: Serve as custodian of all Club funds; Disburse funds as directed; Prepare monthly reports of expenditures; File annual taxes.
Communications Secretary: Coordinate all communications to Club members.

Standing Committees (May Include) and their function

Americanism: Shall lead members in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and provide a short American Moment before the Pledge of Allegiance.
Budget: Reviews prior year budget and prepares current annual budget.
Bylaws & Standing Rules: Conduct a biennial review of our Club’s Bylaws and Standing Rules; Submit to CFRW for review & approval
Campaign/Political Activities Committee: Coordinate all activities of the Club’s campaign program , be responsible for collection and reporting of campaign hours to CFRW.
Caring for America: Coordinate efforts to support local or national charities.
Chaplain: Provides invocation at our monthly meetings.
Club Achievement Awards: Responsible for training members of the functions or a great Federated Club; Keeps the Board of Directors appraised of what needs to be accomplished each year to earn award status from CFRW; Complete and submit Achievement Award form to CFRW.
Communications: Sends out emails to our membership.
Financial Review: Reviews the Treasurer’s books annually.
Newsletter - Ears: Authors an engaging monthly newsletter to keep our members informed.
Publicity:  Responsible for publicizing meetings and events.
Leadership Development: Help mentor members to future leadership roles.
Legislation: Shall inform the Club of any legislation affecting the interests of our members, NFRW or CFRW.
Literacy:  Help in securing books for donation to local libraries based on the suggested book titles from the NFRW MELP/Literacy list.
Membership & Outreach: Help prepare new member packets, new member reception, and membership directory.
Nominating: Engages membership to fill Board and Committee positions.
Programs: Helps procure venue for meetings and speakers.
Scholarship for YAF: Inform members of opportunities for middle school and high school students to attend YAF Reagan Ranch retreats; Provide application to interested individuals.
Social Media: Maintain Club social media accounts.
Website: Keep our Club website update with events and volunteer opportunities.

Appointed Officers and their duties

Financial Review Officer: Review the books of the Treasurer every 6-months; Prepare an annual Financial Review report
Parliamentarian: Serve as advisor to the Board of Directors and Club meetings on matters of parliamentary procedure; Be familiar with the Club Bylaws and Standing Rules, as well as Robert’s Rule of Order