April 2024 Ears Newsletter
Welcome to our newest members
Brenda Balingit
Christine Craver
Marsha Gouig
Victoria Reno
Judith Smith
Dorri Wood
Members celebrating Birthday’s in April
Barbara Bryant - 10th
Irene Desmond - 10th
Virginia Iverson - 23rd
Bettina McCall - 29th
Claudia Nemir - 9th
Wishing you all a wonderful year filled with the love of family and friends!
April Member Meeting
Brian Sussman
Climate Cult: Exposing and Defeating Their War on
Life, Liberty, and Property
Tuesday, April 23, 2024 | *6:00pm-8:30pm | $70
Brian Sussman is a bestselling author, award-winning meteorologist, and a hall of fame conservative talk host. In the Nineties he was the affable weatherman on KPIX, Channel Five; in 2002 he began hosting the Morning Show on KSFO; and in 2010 his first book, Climategate, became an overnight national bestseller.
Brian's new book is Climate Cult: Exposing and Defeating Their War on Life, Liberty, and Property. Says Dr. Neil Frank, former Director of the National Hurricane Center: "Climate Cult is the most powerful and comprehensive book ever written about the real roots of the climate movement."
He is a passionate conservative, and a lively and inspirational speaker.
To reserve your spot, go to our events page: https://www.sanramonvalleyrwf.com/upcoming-events
Those of you who have been to our recent meetings have heard our plea for help from you, the members, to please consider stepping up and taking one of the several vacant offices on the Board.
Our present Board members are:
President: Liz Summer, Pro tem through May 2024
2nd VP - Membership: Mary Zellhart
Recording Secretary: Elaine Kowalik
Treasurer: Erika Coday
Your Editor (Liz Summer) has volunteered to take on the President duties through May only; Mary Zellhart and Elaine Kowalik have exchanged offices but we still would like some new blood on our Board! Still needed is a Program Chair and Ways and Means. There are other appointed offices but until we have an elected President those will stay vacant unless one of you steps up to volunteer! Roxie Lindsay has done that and is our new Chaplain. Other appointed offices include Lunch chair, Legislative analyst, and Parliamentarian. If any of these interest you contact any Board member and we will be thrilled to give you more information.
Our proposed Nominating Committee members will be presented to Membership for approval at our May meeting, consisting of a Board member and two Club members. Once they are approved, they will be contacting all active members and asking them to step up and take the opportunity to serve our Club by being an officer. If you are contacted please give serious thought on taking this step. We cannot continue as a Club without a full slate of officers so give this some serious thought! Our future as a Club depends on you, the members!
Kay Clark, a long-time member and past President of our Club in 1974-1976, has passed away. Condolence cards can be sent to:
Paul Clark
69 Hillman Place
Danville, 94526.
Californians for Safer Communities is the official coalition leading the Homelessness, Drug Addiction, and Theft Reduction Act. There is currently a petition to fix the problems caused by the odious Prop. 47. Petitions were available at out last meeting and will be available agin on April 23rd. BE SURE TO SIGN THIS PETITION!
COCO Republican Party addressed Prop. 47 on their website.
Our May speaker, Steven Smith with Pacific Research Institute Senior Fellow, will be discussing the increase in crime caused by the passing of Prop. 47, Prop57 and AB 109.
I have been writing this newsletter for about 10 years and have enjoyed writing it, gathering information to share and learning how to navigate the Mail Chimp platform. Just as my Pro-Tem Presidency is ending in May, monthly editions of the Ears will end in June of this year. I will send out meeting fliers but no newsletter. Now I do hope that there is some one, maybe a few of you, who would not like to see this end, and if so please contact me and I can help to get you started on your newsletter career!
April 15 Tax Day
April 23-6pm Monthly Meeting: BRIAN SUSSMAN, Author of Climate Cult: Exposing and Defeating Their War on Life, Liberty, and Property
May 7 Special Mail-in Ballot Election - Contra Costa County - Measure E & F
May 12 Happy Mother’s Day
May 18 Armed Forces Day - Join us in honoring all those that are currently serving and those who served and sacrificed to defund our freedom.
May 27 Memorial Day - Join us in remembering those who died while serving our great country.
May 28-11:30 Monthly Meeting: STEVEN SMITH, Pacific Research Institute, Paradise Lost: Crime in the Golden State 2011-2022