July 2024 Ears Newsletter

Members celebrating Birthday’s in July

Marsha Gouig - 21st
Karen Howard - 24th

Wishing you both a wonderful year filled with the love of family and friends!

September 24th Member Lunch

Our next General Member meeting will be held at Black Bear Diner in Danville on Tuesday, September 24th at 11:30am. Our speaker will be one of our very own members, Julie Mobley, who will discuss Election Integrity. We will also hear from SRVUSD School Board Candidate, Area 2, Karin Shumway. Look for a flier in August.

NFRW President, Julie Harris Addresses the GOP Convention

Statement on Attempted Assassination of Former President Trump

-Jeff Burns, Chairman, Contra Costa Country Republican Party

“We all watched the assassination attempt of former President Trump in shock and horror this past weekend. Our prayers are with the victims and their families.

Sadly, the self-proclaimed party of democracy has demonized the former President for the last eight years with extreme hyperbole and scare tactics.

All at a time when the Democrat party elites want to overturn the will of their own primary voters.

There is no place for political violence in our country, and we hope all of the facts in this shooting are uncovered with everyone involved being held accountable.”

CFRW - CAGOP Ballot Harvesting Training

Join CFRW and CAGOP for a virtual training session and take a deeper dive into ballot harvesting on August 1, 2024 at 6:00pm. Krista Pittman, the Executive Director and Political Director of the CAGOP will be hosting this engaging training.

Please contact Mary Erwin, CFRW 3rd VP at maryervinlaw@gmail.com.

You can register for the training via CFRW’s website:



Those of you who have been to our recent meetings have heard our plea for help from you, the members, to please consider stepping up and taking one of the several vacant offices on the Board.

Our Nominating Committee members, Erika Coday, Paula Knapp and Julie Mobley were approved at our May member meeting. They are beginning their search for members to step up and usher in a new group of leaders for the San Ramon Valley Republican Women Federated Club. We thank, Liz Summer, Dee Thompson, Elaine Kowalik and Mary Zellhart for the service in our Club and their mentorship of those willing to succeed them in their roles. Your nominating committee members will be contacting all active members and asking them to step up and take the opportunity to serve our Club by being an officer. If you are contacted please give serious thought on taking this step. We cannot continue as a Club without a full slate of officers so give this some serious thought! Our future as a Club depends on you, the members!



July 4th Happy 248th Birthday America!

July 21st National Ice Cream Day

July 26th Summer Olympics start

July 29th Lasagna Day


Aug 1st CFRW & CAGOP Ballot Harvesting Virtual Training - 6pm

Aug 1st Universal Birthday for Shelter Dogs

Aug 4th U.S. Coast Guard Birthday

Aug 6th National Root Beer Float Day

Aug 7th Purple Heart Day

Aug 11th National Spirit of ‘45 Day - Honoring the generation of Americans that saw the country through the hardships of WWII

Patriot Post Cartoons


August 2024 Ears Newsletter


April 2024 Ears Newsletter